The legendary kung fu action movies starring Bruce Lee have established the Little Dragon
as the worlds greatest Kung Fu star. Bruce Lee could knock down a fully grown man with a punch delivered from the distance
of 1 inch, as demonstrated at Long Beach's 1967 International Karate Championships.
Lee Jun Fan (known as Bruce Lee)
was born in the Jackson Street Hospital in Sanfrancisco on November 27th, 1940, to Cantonese actors Hi Lo Chun and Grace Li.
A year later, the family moved back to Kowloon, their family home in Hong Kong. At the early age of 6 years old, Bruce
appeared in his first film - The Beginning Of A Boy. Bruce took up fighting as a boy on the streets of Hong Kong, and at the
age of thirteen, after losing what many people say was the only fight he ever lost, he began training under Siju Yip Man,
a master of the Wing Chun system of Gung Fu. But six years later, he returned to San Francisco after his mother had become
concerned by his street fighting activities. During 1959, Bruce stayed with a close family friend whilst doing odd jobs around
the Chinese communities. Later that year he moved to Seattle to stay with another family friend - Ruby Chow, whilst working
as a waiter in her restaurant. He enrolled at Edison Technical School and earned his high school diploma, whilst teaching
Gung Fu on the streets and in backyards. In 1961, Bruce enrolled at the University of Washington studying Philosophy,
and teaching Gung Fu to his students. In 1963, Bruce met his future wife - Linda Emery and moved the Jun Gung Fu Institute
into a building near the University Campus. The next year, his good friend Taky Kimura took over the Institute, as Bruce left
for Oakland to start a second school. On August 17th 1964, Bruce returned to Seattle to marry Linda, then returning to
Oakland to live together. After several months of teaching in Oakland, Bruce was challenged to a fight by a leading Gung Fu
practitioner - Wong Man. If he lost then Bruce would stop his classes, teaching non-Orientals how to fight. Bruce immediately
kicked the shit out of him, who then proceeded to leg it. Bruce ran after him but was dragged off by a friend. After the fight,
Bruce began to re-evaluate his style, and the early concepts of Jeet Kune Do (The way of the intercepting fist) were produced
by Bruce Lee himself and Dan Inosanto (Game of Death). It was to become Lee's unique style of fighting which involved parrying
and attacking in one single manoeuvre. Later that year, a demo of Bruce in action at the International Karate Championships
was given to William Dozier, the producer for Batman, who was looking to cast a part in a new TV series. Dozier was greatly
impressed and Bruce flew to Los Angeles fo a screen test. During 1967-1971, Bruce landed many parts in various films and
TV series, and gave private lessons at $250 per hour to stars such as James Coburn, Steve McQueen, Jim "the afro" Kelly and
the baketball giant who later appeared in Game Of Death - Kareem Abdul Jabbar. In 1971, after huge success in the TV series
"The Green Hornet", Bruce was approached by Raymond Chow for the leading role in a new film - "The Big Boss". It instantly
became a huge success and grossed more than $3.5 million in less than 3 weeks. This figure was even bettered the next year
when Fist Of Fury was released, further establishing Bruce Lee as a Hong Kong superstar. That same year location shots were
taken in Rome, Italy for The Way of the Dragon (later known as Return of the Dragon) which Bruce wrote, directed and starred
in, and included a final fight scene with Chuck Norris. Work was also began on Game of Death. In 1973, Enter the Dragon was
finally completed and on July 20th, 1973, after being told by doctors to rest, he didn't and sadly passed away at the age
of 23, due to Cerebral Edema (swelling of the brain). Game of Death was left unfinished, but was later released with a different
actor playing Bruce Lee, although the fight scenes had been finished. A funeral ceremony was held on July 25th 1973, where
Bruce Lee was dressed in the Chinese outfit he wore in Enter the Dragon, and he was buried at Lake View cemetry in Seattle,
on July 30th, 1973.

Big Boss, The
Fist Of Fury
Way Of The Dragon
Game Of Death
Enter the Dragon
"A learned man once went to a Zen master to inquire about Zen. As
the master talked, the learned man would frequently interrupted him with remarks like,
"Oh yes, we have that too......", etc.
Finally the Zen master stopped talking and began to serve tea to the
learned man; however he kept on pouring until the tea cup overflowed.
"Enough, no more can go into the cup !" the learned man interrupted.
"Indeed, I see," answered the Zen master. "If you don't first empty your
cup, how can you taste my cup of tea?"
"Kwan-in (Avalokitesvara) , the Goddess of Mercy is sometimes represented
with one thousand arms, each holding a different instrument. If her mind stops with the use, for instance, of a spear, all
the other arms (999) will be of no use whatever.
It is only because of her mind not stopping with her use of one arm,
but moving from one instrument to another, that all her arms prove useful to the utmost degree of efficiency. Thus the figure
is meant to demonstrate that, when the ultimate truth is realized even as many as one thousand arms on one body may each be
serviceable in one way or another."
He shook the world in 1972.
The first Chinese or I mean the first Asian to have such the great power to
achieve a worldwide recognition
in the field of entertainment,philosophy
and of course martial arts.
I would not emphasize on his story,biodata or
biography because it's pale.
English Name: BRUCE LEE
Chinese Name: Li Siu Loong, Li Xiao
Birth Name: Lee
Jun Fan
Nickname: Sai
Date of Birth: November 11, 1940
Date of Death: July 20, 1973
Chinese Horoscope: dragon
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Place of Birth: San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Father: Hoi-Cheun Lee (Chinese opera singer)
Mother: Grace Lee
Wife: Linda Lee Caldwell
Son: Brandon Lee
Daughter: Shannon Lee